Saturday, 18 August 2012

In the kitchen

Every year for the past five years I have made a New Year’s resolution to learn how to cook.

When I told people I couldn't cook, I didn't mean I couldn't cook well or I couldn't get my soufflé to sit right, I meant that aside from maggie noodles and heating up chicken nuggets in the oven, I couldn't cook.

How did I survive? Well my mum and my grandma are amazing cooks so growing up I was always surrounded by good nutritious food. And when Mr Marie and I moved in together, thankfully he could cook. On the nights we didn't spend together I would just go out for dinner, order Thai or eat peanut butter toast.

And then four weeks ago something shifted, and I started cooking.

I believe that when you follow your instincts and make a good decision, the universe will usually do its part to assure you you're on the right track. When I decided to take control of my health and start my new way of eating - no gluten, less processed foods, reduced sugar, etc, I realised that I was going to have to learn to cook meals for myself.

And I did.

This website has been my 'play book' and by picking some of the easier recipes, taking the time plan out ingredients, consulting Mr Marie about how you tell if chicken is cooked and the best way to chop parsley, I have managed to cook six gluten free recipes, and all have turned out to be pretty delicious.

I am well aware these are baby steps but I can't help but feel proud and inspired to keep going and to keep getting better.

I look forward to sharing my cooking adventures with you, and will continue to post some of the yummy healthy recipes I find.

Also I'm fairly certain a spectacular and inevitable cooking disaster is just around the corner, and I am sure we’ll all find that rather entertaining too.

(Image via bippotyboppity tumblr) 

1 comment:

  1. They are not baby steps at all! Well done, can't wait to hear more
