Saturday, 27 October 2012

I ran away from home

I have been a little bit slack on the blog posts these last few weeks.

Commuting, work and worry have just been kicking my butt and have left me feeing pretty darn exhausted.

Not one to settle for such a feeling, I decided to take matters into my own hands last week and give myself a break.

My darling sister and brother in law were overseas for a holiday, which meant their unit was empty. So I packed up my bags, kissed the husband and Paris goodbye and spent two nights alone in the city where I could have some time to myself and a break from the commute for a couple of days.

On the first afternoon I took myself for a cheap Thai massage (my usual masseuse was booked out) and while this was far from ‘glamorous’, what with the lovely receptionist’s phone ringing with LMFAO every few minutes and the sound of the busy street outside, it was exactly what I needed.

I ate Thai takeout, I watched the Kardashians, I slept in until 645am each day and I stopped for gluten free banana bread on my way to work.

It was bliss.

And while I know those of you with children etc are not in a position to run away from home whenever you please, I guess the point is that when you’re feeling overwhelmed (tired, sad, stressed or all of the above) there is usually something you can do to help you get through.

Not to necessarily make it better or fix the problem, but to help you make it through the day or the week. Because sometimes that's all we need. 

(Image via foxontherun )

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